Tuesday, April 24, 2012

This is ALL possible with HUGE thanks to the following Sponsors: http://www.a-to-zchallenge.com/ AND to Arlee Bird at http://www.tossingitout.blogspot.com/ AND MORE Sponsors I have posted above!

Tuesday, April 24nd, 2012
Theme:  Books and Blogging
Subject: Letter "V"
Topic:    "Victory"

Victory! This is a word I am going to feel once this Challenge is OVER in a few days! We only have W, X, Y and Z left! Four days! Yeah!
Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed this thoroughly, but, I am not a writer, and it HAS take a LOT of self-discipline and . . . 
If you would like to read the rest of this Post, please click on the TAB up above called the "Blogging from A to Z Challenge - April 2012" OR click on this LINK here: http://lauriehere.blogspot.com/p/to-z-challengeblogging-april-2012.html and scroll ALLLL the way down to the Letter "V"!
Thanks! See you tomorrow with the letter "W"!


  1. Replies
    1. Hello Scribbles!
      Your comment said Yes! Victory is near!
      It sounds like you are going to be happy when this Blogging from A to Z Challenge is over, as well, by your comment!
      Well, today is X. Not to many words start with the letter X. All I can think of is X-ray! LOL! What would that possibly have to do with reading? UGH!
      Oh well, I'll think of something!
      Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment! I'm coming over to your site now to take a look at what you have written!
      Thanks again for coming by AND LEAVING A COMMENT!


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