Thursday, June 16, 2011


THIS IS AN E-BOOK ONLY!!! You CAN read E-books on your computer! Look on the left side-column on my Blog. Scroll down to the article that says "Don't have an E-reader? It explains HOW to download off of Amazon HOW to add this APP to your computer! You can then read ANY E-book on your computer if you don't have an e-reader!!! This E-book is a KINDLE version through Amazon!!!

The Author's Blog is:

You will have to copy and paste the address into your browser because I could NOT make a link. Sorry. Go straight to her blog! When there, she is offering a FREE Ebook of hers to YOU!! It is called "Warning" by S L Pierce. Look at the top of her Blog in the UPPER LEFTHANBD CORNER! I believe you can click on it and download it for free! Enjoy it! A HUGE thanks to S L Pierce for giving this to us for free!

WIN A COPY OF THIS BOOK - "Secrets" by S L Pierce by SCROLLING DOWN TO THIS 'FEATURED BOOK' AND LEAVE A COMMENT IN THE BELOW THE POST 'ALL ABOUT "SECRETS" by S L Pierce, and you will go into a raffle to win ONE copy of her Ebook-SECRETS!!!!
Good Luck!!!


  1. I would love to be win and review this novel :) edysicecreamlover18@gmailDOTcom GFC Krystal Larson

  2. I would love to win this book so please pick me

  3. Hello!!! I recognize your email!!! You come to every one of my contests! I appreciate that! You DO have MORE of a chance to win now!! This is open thru ALL day on Sunday!!! Good Luck and thanks for always coming!!!

  4. Hi Gaby!!!
    Thanks for coming by!!!! I appreciate it VERY much!!! OH!! This IS an E-book! If you don't have an e-reader, you CAN still download the Amazon Kindle APP for your computer! This was a really good story/book! You'll enjoy it! I appreciate the comment!! THANK YOU for coming by!!!

  5. Edy's Ice Cream Lover - Wanted to let you know this IS a Kindle E-book!!! IF you don't have a Kindle, the direction to get the Amazon Kindle PC APP are on the left-side column of my blog!!! It works GREAT!!! I loved the story/book!!!
    Thanks again for coming by!!

  6. Hi Everyone!
    I am back from taking my son and his friend fishing. It was BEAUTIFUL at Lake Huron under and next to the bridge to Canada! The River was SO blue! No freighters passing by today, but a LOT of recreational boats out playing! They didn't have to watch for ships, and could do whatever they wanted! The breeze was almost 'cold'! I had to go roll into the sun! We had a picnic table in the shade, but the breeze was blowing in a North East pattern - which is how we get all our Lake Effect SNOW!!! I 'still' say that word is a 4-letter SWEAR word! After this winter of 85+ inches!!! I think it snowed EVERY day! We had 8 Lake Effect DUMPS on! This last winter was a record breaker for the record books! I looked out through the through-way under the bridge where the St Clair River opens up into the wide open Lake Huron, and I said "Hun, THAT'S WHERE IT "ALL" CAME FROM!!!" He looked, remembered, thought about it, and said, "I HATE that damned through-way!" He SHOVELED BY HAND - NO SNOW BLOWER 'every' day! Not ONCE a day, SEVERAL times a day! I think we got MORE snow that what they recorded! Or at least that is what it felt like! We still had a wonderful time!!!
    SO!!!! The S L Pierce's BLOG site is:
    You can go there and click on a link in the upper left-side column and get her book, "The Warning" by S L Pierce, for FREE! At Amazon as an E-book!!! YEAH!!! Thank you SO much, S L Pierce! You can also purchase this book, "Secrets" by S L Pierce for 99cents at Amazon if you DON'T WIN!! Remember - I have directions in the left-side column as to 'how' to download a Kindle Reading APP from the Amazon Site!!! For FREE! You'll be on your way to reading Ebooks if you don't have an e-reader!
    Thanks for reading! Enjoy the free book! Thanks to EVERYONE!

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