"Your New Money Mindset" is a new way of thinking about the role money plays in our lives. Many of us live with ongoing, and often unexamined, tension related to money. Few of us have really escaped the credit-card trap or freed ourselves from worries about having enough for the future. Co-authors Brad Hewitt, CEO of Thrivent Financial, and James Moline, licensed psychologist, believe we haven't spent enough time examining our fundamental attitudes toward money and aligning those attitudes to our core values. Before you can remake your money habits, you need to start with your heart. In "Your New Money Mindset, " Brad and Jim guide you through the Money Mindset Assessment, which will help pinpoint what attitudes about money you could work on in order to develop an openhearted attitude to life. The goal is to cultivate a surplus mindset that allows you to enjoy what you already have and be generous toward others. Discover today how to free yourself from the money trap and create a healthy relationship with money.
4 Stars!
This book has some excellent ideas to help you save money going into the future, but most important of all, it gets you to start thinking differently about your attitude about money, and how you handle your money. I never really thought I had an attitude towards money, but now that I read this book, I see that I DO have an attitude towards money! I have to change that!
One part of this book that really stands out to me is how a young woman was so happy with her life! She said she was happy because she really knew what she wanted out of life and her money. This woman had Down’s Syndrome and I was pretty interested in what she had to say. She said she knew she would never have this position or be in a certain position. Because she was so realistic about where she would go with her job in her life, she felt “content”. WOW! That was a new one for me! I never really thought about life and money like that before. SO interesting.
This book really picks at your thought process about money, and it really gets you thinking. It shows you how you can be happy with what you have now, already and into the future. There are things you can do that make it even better, but only if you really want to. This book even goes so far as discussing saving money for your community, i.e., United Way! THAT was VERY interesting! This is a must-read regardless how you look upon religion.
I HIGHLY recommend reading this book! I know there may be a lot of references to God and church in this book, and perhaps that may not be your ‘thing’, this book is so worth reading because of the way it gets you thinking about money so differently than you ever have before, if you can do read it and get through the parts that perhaps you may not agree with, PLEASE DO IT. for YOUR benefit!
(Thrivent USED TO BE ONLY for the Lutheran Faith, but NO LONGER!!! As of March/April 2014 they expanded and now allow anyone to join their banks, financial services, etc. It’s completely different than it used to be for you possible naysayers out there. You may like it VERY much, or at least love what these authors have written about!)
I received this book for FREE from the publisher, Tyndale, in exchange to read and write a review about this book. It is NOT required for this review to be either positive or negative, but of my own honest opinion. "Free" means I was provided with ZERO MONIES to read this book nor to write this review, but to enjoy the pure pleasure of reading it. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
ebook: $ 9.99
print: $11.70
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