Saturday, July 2, 2016

#StackingtheShelves #41 blog updates and week's end for July 2nd, 2016!

Thanks to our Sponsor, Tynga's Reviews! - NO link-up at Tynga's Reviews this weekend. NO link-up at Saturday Situation, either. "YES", there IS a link-up at Talk of the Town!!! 

First, let's find out HOW Stacking the Shelves works! 

Hello everyone! It's that time of week again, that time to do an awesome "SHOW AND TELL" of the books I have been given, from authors, from publishers, I bought, borrowed, or received somehow, the library, a yard sale, or some way this past week! I LOVE showing books off like this! This is one of MY favorite posts to write!!
I also use THIS POST EACH WEEK to do somewhat of a wrap-up AND to post my NEW REVIEWS, NEW GIVEAWAYS, and whatever else I should bring to your attention!
After you are done reading HERE, click on the Sponsor's name up above and see THEIR post for Stacking the Shelves, too! They have a link-up with OVER 100-200 other blogs that also participate!
I'm also finding OTHER PLACES TO LINK UP TO AS WELL! I'm finding these places from other blogs, and they are GREAT ideas! The following NEW one is Talk of the Town where we can add ALL THINGS BOOKISH! Check it out! I still plan on joining in on other link-ups, too, I just haven't had the chance to do it all yet! I'll get there!!
I will also be linking this post AND my reviews to Saturday Situation as well from now on, too! That is a place to link ALL THINGS BOOKISH! I'm anxious to start posting there!! Check it out, too!

Hi Everyone!

     "HAPPY 4th OF JULY 2016!!!"

To celebrate the right way, why don't you go and . . . 
Enter HERE!

LAZY DAYS OF SUMMER $250 CASH GIVEAWAY starts "THIS" Wednesday, July 6th to July 26th! You'll have to come back to enter that Giveaway!

First, remember ALL of those petitions you might have filled out and ALL of the Advocacy work you might have done in standing UP for the RIGHTS OF THE "FREE" INTERNET AND NO NANNY SUPERVISION, ETC., FROM THE GOVERNMENT? IT WAS CALLED NET NEUTRALITY!! WE WON!!! YES!! THE US WON!!! You can read MORE about it HERE!!!


Since She Went Away by David Bell - HERE!


Everyone Brave is Forgiven by Chris Cleave HERE! 

CURRENTLY: I am reading, reading, and reading! My FAVORITE thing to do, of course! There are a LOT MORE NEW REVIEWS to come! July 12th seems to be "THE DAY" for New Releases 'GALORE' this month! I guess the July 4th holiday got in the way. Since we ALL cannot read EVERY NEW RELEASE we would LOVE to, I will be doing some BOOK SPOTLIGHTS for the publishers to show their books off! That also brings GIVEAWAYS for them!!! Yes! I had a wonderful publisher approach me and ask if I could at least spotlight their books and we could do a GIVEAWAY of them!! You will receive your books directly FROM the publisher!! Sounds WONDERFUL, huh! Keep your eyes on the blog for these! I'm excited!!!
I 'do' have some older books I need to catch up on, some books at NetGalley, and I WILL! ALL 2016 books I receive, either in ebook or print format will ALL be read and reviewed IN 2016! I will have NO CARRY-OVER!
I do tend to review and focus on new releases that come out rather than focus on my TBR shelf, and I do LOVE reading the NEW releases VERY much because the new releases are by the authors I LOVE to read! I do sneak in TBR books as often as I can! 


This is one book I received already, and back in January! This is a LONG story as to why I'm ONLY showing this NOW, but I MISSED it! I'll explain what happened as a short a story as I can, but I do feel AWFUL about what happened. I did receive this wonderful hardcover edition, and I was SO excited to get it! It released back in February! I was SO excited to get to read this one!! However, for some unknown ridiculous reason, I put it BACK INTO THE ENVELOPE IT CAME IN, and WHY I did that I do not know because I NEVER DO THAT! Unfortunately, this time I did. The envelope was one of those really nice large, thick ones and that is because this is a really nice, hefty hardcover version. WHY DID I PUT IT BACK INTO THE ENVELOPE??? I have NO CLUE??? This is a FIRST! The problem with what I did is that because it was so heavy, it FELL BETWEEN THE END TABLE AND THE WALL! I never knew it fell! Since I physically am not able to move furniture with this neuro muscle disease, so that type of thing is left up to my husband, and we haven't needed to move the furniture with our vacuum's NICE attachments it has. I was looking around for a paper that was a copy of a medical test I needed to bring to a new doctor I was going to see, and my husband DID pull this table out, and THERE THIS WAS!
I feel SO AWFUL because I have NEVER had anything accidentally happen like this EVER before, and I feel so bad because that wonderful publicist who sent this book to me, Emer from MIRA Publishers, was probably wondering WHY I never reviewed this book. I contacted him with my sincerest of apologies, and I am now reading this book FIRST over any other book at this time! Here is the name and a little info about the book:
Missing Pieces by Heather Gudenkauf - released back on Feb 2nd (Kindle and Hardcover). This is some really GOOD reading here that I am diving into now!
UPDATE!!! I just received an email from the publisher, about this book, and there is GREAT NEWS!!! He informed me that THIS BOOK, MISSING PIECES by Heather Gudenkauf IS BEING RELEASED IN PAPERBACK ON AUGUST 9th!!! This book has a NEW COVER, TOO!! I like it a LOT! Finding this book right when I did turned out PERFECTLY! I'll have it read and reviewed just in time for YOU to be able to decide if you want to read it! Amazing! Here it is:

Because this book is SO HARD TO FIND on Amazon, I have the LINK for you IF you are interested in taking a look at it there, and you can ALSO PRE-ORDER IT!

ebook: $12.49
print:   $ 7.32

And the NEXT book is:

A Curious Beginning, A Veronica Speedwell Mystery #1 by Deanna Raybourn - NOW AVAILABLE IN PAPERBACK on July 12th, 2016!
I have previously reviewed this book when it first came out in hardcover format, thanks to the publisher! I LOVED this book! My original review is HERE! originally released on September 2nd, 2015! 
Now, the publisher sent me this NEW PAPERBACK VERSION that is releasing on July 12th, to show and share all the specs with you! I thought the first cover was beautiful, but THIS COVER IS EVEN MORE GORGEOUS WHEN YOU HAVE THE ACTUAL BOOK! WOW! Koodles to Berkley Publishers for making this so beautiful! The cover is a matte blue and ALL of the print on the cover is slightly raised and shiny! The photos you see on the cover are also raised and shiny, and the butterflies, they MAKE THE BOOK! This NEW paperback version IS one you will surely be glad to portray it on your bookshelves! You will hold onto this one for a long time because you are not going to want to give it up! I have the Amazon link below if you want to check this book out further! Look below! 
Book 2 is also coming out, so mark your calendars for January 10th, 2017! That might sound like a long time, but it is not! It is only a mere 6 months! Plus we DO HAVE a book cover I will share with you!!! 

ebook: $13.99
print:   $ 9.26

ebook:       $12.99
Hardcover: $20.73

Making A Killing, A Novel of Money and Murdy, A Murder on the Mekong Thriller by John L Hart and Olivia Rupprecht (The Story Plant Publisher)
This is one hefty novel! 413 pages, but the book is super thick! It is printed on a very HIGH QUALITY paper, double the thickness of a regular paperback that you are most likely used to. I find The Story Plant is like this. They DO take very special care to publish high quality, beautiful books! So far, ALL of the books I have read that they put out ARE wonderful! I will admit this one WILL test my patience being that it has a LOT to do with the Vietnam war, the CIA, and things I don't know about, such as I have did not learn in History back in school. We'll see how this one goes!

The Fallout, A novel by Tamar Cohen (also previously published as The Broken, A novel.)
I received this book a few weeks ago and set it aside. This is supposed to be a psychological thriller, but it's about a divorce between two people who confide in their friends who are a married couple and happen to be very good friends of theirs, putting them in the middle and feeling very uncomfortable, etc. I can tell you from experience, no matter HOW CLOSE you are to those friends, kiss them goodbye because that IS what divorce does to your friends you had together when you were married. this was one of the worst losses I felt.
For myself, I have been through a psychological mind-blank of a divorce like this, a very nasty, SICK divorce, and like a phrase the back on the back of this book says, a volatile divorce. This couple does have two children, just like I had at the time we divorced, too. This divorce sounds VERY similar to the one I went through, so I don't know if I can get through this book??? Divorce is UGLY no matter what, and even MORE SO WITH CHILDREN!
I'll TRY this book, but I cannot guarantee I can read it? We'll see how it goes.

That's ALL for now!
Thank you so MUCH for stopping by!
Again, HAPPY 4th of July!!!!!!!


  1. I'm sure the publicist at Mira understood Laurie. Love your honesty :)

    That cover for A Curious Beginning is gorgeous, no doubt about it.

    It's not always a good thing to go back to the past - hope you'll be ok reading The Fallout. x

    Thanks for linking #TalkoftheTown

    1. Hi Shaz!
      Thanks for coming by the blog! I do come by honesty naturally, which is why the divorce actually. He fed me one too many lies and I HAD to stand up for myself and the kids, finally! I read this quote one time, and wish I could remember it word for word, but it went something like this: 'the less lies I tell, the less stories I have to make up and remember, then remember WHO I told who what!' LOL! That is SO TRUE!!! That IS what happened with the ex! ALL those stories he told me and how the outcome always changed, too, especially towards the end! Speaking of honesty, no, I am not able to read The Fallout. I'll let the publisher know and I will have a Giveaway for it.
      Yes! MIRA publishers was WONDERFUL!!! HE told ME I was just in time for the PAPERBACK release on August 9th!!! He WAS SO NICE ABOUT IT!!! I LOVE Mira!!! Which, by the way, they merged with ANOTHER publisher, too! I am going to do a post about it!!!
      Oh!! WONDERFUL NEWS!!! I was approved for my request to read Book Two, A Perilous Undertaking by Deanna Raybourn which goes after the book pictured here, A Curious Beginning!! The book with the GORGEOUS cover!!! I'm SOOO EXCITED!!! I LOVE the publishers we get to work with!!! I LOVE the authors that give us the AMAZING BOOKS!!!
      I will see you NEXT WEEK!!!!
      It was GREAT to see you again!
      ALL the best to you!!! And until next week . . . HAPPY READING THE BEST OF THE BEST BOOKS OUT THERE!!!!

    2. I'm glad you're not reading Fallout ... was a bit worried about you Laurie.


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