Monday, August 3, 2015

2015 NetGalley Wellness Challenge!!! Just announced TODAY!

A "NEW" 2015 NetGalley Challenge!
(The following is copied and pasted from Book Blogs (remember those?!) the website where NetGalley has all the details!

I cannot sing the praises MORE about going to this NetGalley Challenge because you learn SO MUCH INFORMATION!!! It makes you a better blogger, teaches you things you NEVER KNEW about before! I could go on and on, but the BEST way is just GO! Learn and have fun while doing it!

NetGalley wants US to succeed because THEY succeed when their publishers succeed and the Publishers succeed when we bloggers BUZZ about the Publisher's books they provide us to read and those books hit the Bestseller lists!
This is when they WANT to put their books on the shelves of NetGalley and have us review them because they get GREAT coverage from US! What a better investment than to invest in their own participants! NetGalley has it right!

GO HERE: - When I click on that link, I see what is below! The 2015 NetGalley Challenge with the Benefits of being a Book Advocate along with WEBINAR INSTRUCTIONS, TOO!! You have to go there to see it!! While you're there, YOU CAN SIGN UP TO ATTEND IT THEN! OR - SIGN UP TO WATCH AT A LATER TIME IN CASE YOU CAN'T MAKE THAT DATE!
I HOPE to see you there! BUT WAIT!!! Please scroll down to the bottom because I want to see if the Book Blog Button still shows up and see if you remember them! They are STILL THERE!!! I still have my button on my blog! It's ALLLLL the way on the bottom left side of my blog!

Book Advocate text image

Do you remember Book Blogs? They are now Hosted by NetGalley! NetGalley has their OWN PAGE, too! You want to look it up and JOIN that group! It's SIMPLE!! If you remember it, it's a BREEZE! If you don't, there are directions to learn how!
THE BENEFITS OF JOINING THIS/THESE GROUPS: You can get your group's news, such as NetGalley NEWS, ASAP! You can belong to other groups, too! There are groups that fit EVERY genre book you can think of!
These used to be SOOOO active! What happened? I remember posting EVERY review there! Every Giveaway, everything was posted there until Facebook, Twitter and Google+ came along, then Book Blogs just disappeared. Let's bring them back!!
I'll show you my button if it is still working! Let's see if this still works!
If you scroll down even further - UNLESS I JUST CAN'T SEE IT ON THIS 'WORK' PAGE! Right now, all "I" see is blank space, but, like other coding, once your post publishes, BOOM! There is your button!. Once this publishes, it might show up just fine! We'll see, huh??!! The only way to find out is to do it! Here goes!
I'll see you on the other side!!

Visit Book Blogs

It worked!!!! Woo-hoo!!!!

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