Friday, July 19, 2013

Blood and Bone (A Jack Hawthorne Adventure #3) by Don Hoesel - REVIEW


A decade after Serpent of Moses, Jack is married to Espy and back teaching at Evanston University. They have two sons, one of whom has cystic fibrosis. Despite this challenge, life is comfortable. But that all changes when the CIA, while combing through the papers of the late Gordon Reese, uncovers the secret of Elisha’s bones. Jack’s world is then turned upside down by an urgent call from his old friend Duckey, who’s been alerted to the CIA’s probing by one of his former contacts. Jack and his family escape from their home just ahead of the CIA, and he decides to do what he should have done long ago: recover the bones and destroy them. Except the bones aren’t where he left them.
So now Jack is in a race, for the last time, to find the bones. And he’s not the only one. Pitted against both the CIA and an organization that will kill to protect their secrets, Jack and Espy follow hard-to-decipher clues across the globe before arriving in the catacombs of Paris for a final showdown that will either save their family–or tear apart everything they hold dear forever.

My Take:
3 Stars
This is actually Book 3 in a series, and had I known that, I would not have chosen to review this book only because I like to read a series starting from the beginning so I understand everything that is going on. Even though this book can be read and I did read it as a stand-a-lone, I'm sure there may have been things that were referred to which we did not know about and would have been a plus had we read the entire series.
Book 1 is Elisha's Bones and Book 2 is Serpent of Moses.
The writing was very good and very fast paced throughout the book. 
In the beginning a couple, Jack and his wife, Epsy, received a phone call that they had to have their family leave their house. Don't pack, don't take anything unless it's easily accessible to pick up and grab, and get out as fast as they could, and do so now. This all stemmed from the fact that years ago Jack was hired by someone to locate the bones of a biblical prophet and hand them over. That's not what Jack did. Instead, he buried the bones in the desert, and now they are back to get the bones, but they are not where he originally buried them after all, which is why this story is so full of a lot of action, twists, turns, and never seems to stop. 
I did put this book down several times, and when I picked it back up, I will admit I had forgotten a few things as to what they were doing, and I was a little lost here and there, but I believe that to be my own fault. I guess this story wasn't quite what I was expecting, or maybe it had to much action to be able to bond and learn more about the characters themselves, and maybe I would not have put it down getting distracted by others so easily. I did not expect this to be about a Biblical Prophet's bones. Don't get me wrong, this is an excellent book for those who love to read this type of story, but it's not my own personal preference, so my mistake here. 
The ending is quite satisfying, if you can believe that type of thing can happen. I don't necessarily believe in that type of thing, so it was not realistic enough for me to believe it, but I can't tell you, or it will ruin the ending! It is definitely worth reading for a change of pace from the contemporary fiction or psychological thrillers I always usually read! I would not hesitate at all. I received this book for FREE from the Publisher, Bethany House through NetGalley in exchange to read and write a review about it. It is NOT required for this review to be either positive or negative, but of my own honest opinion. "Free" means I was provided with ZERO MONIES to read this book nor to write this review, but to enjoy the pure pleasure of reading it. I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255,

Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Blood and Bone (A Jack Hawthorne Adventure Book #3) by Don Hoesel
Print Book: $11.48

ebook:       $  9.99

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