Thursday, July 21, 2011

Lunch Reads Volume 1

This book I reviewed is 99 cents now at the Kindle Store!  MANY books, called "The Big Deal" are on sale from $0.99, $1.99, $2.99 and $3.99 through July 27th!  Catch them NOW while you can!
I was given a book to read, called "Lunchreads",  Volume 1, by Jenny Milchman, the author, which has two short stories in it, by two separate authors, one of them being this author, JennyMilchman, who is the author who asked me to review 'her' story, "The Very Old Man".  
I found this story to be very intriguing and suspenseful.  It is about a mother, Denise, with her nine month old baby girl, Bethie, were shopping in the grocery store when they met a very old, cold, shivery man.  This very old man gives the baby something she should not have.  The mother takes it away, and is very disturbed by this occurrence.  She talks to her husband about it, and he puts this thing away somewhere, kind of blowing off Denise's concern.   Strange things start to happen to them after that.   These don't seem to be coincidences, according to Denise.  She feels there is a curse on this thing.  Later in this story, they run into this same very old man again, who seems to be younger, moving easier, and sweating now instead of being so cold.  He has another gift for the baby.  Denise takes the stroller and starts to run away from this old man.  She looks back at him, and in his hand, again, is another of the same gift.  She runs faster.  This is not the end of this story.  Now it is up to you to read this story and fill in all I have not told you. There is so much more to this story . . .  but I won't give away  the good stuff! 
Jenny Milchman has a very talented and very descriptive writing style, not to mention her talent of putting great suspense into this short story.  I can't begin to imagine how great a novel will be by this author.  Once the novel she is working on is available for review, I'll be one of the first to ask her if I can read it for review!  An author this good is not one to pass up. 
I received this book for “FREE” from the Author, in exchange to read the book and write a review about the book.  It is NOT required for the review to be either positive or negative, but, “of my own opinion.”  I was provided with “NO” monies to accept this book, or to read and write a review for this book, except for the enjoyment of reading it.  The opinions expressed for and about this book are ‘of my own opinion’.  I am disclosing this information in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
Laurie Here!
(Laurie Carlson)


  1. Thank you so much, Laurie, for posting a review of my story on your wonderful blog! And thank you for your kind words about a novel--I am very excited to have sold my debut just recently. It will be coming out in early 2013, and your reading it will be an honor!

  2. Thank you SO much, Jenny! Thanks for the compliment on my Blog! No,"I" am honored to get the chance to be one of the first to read your new debut book! I can't wait! Something to 'really look forward to' after Christmas! You know how you can get that 'let down' feeling after the holidays? I won't for sure, now! Not with your book to look forward to reading! CONGRATULATIONS on your new book! Thanks for coming by the Blog!
    My BEST wishes to you!


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